• Works

    All     Picture Books     Junior Novels     Pipi and Pou     Teen     Non Fiction

    White Moko

    White Moko

    White Grandchild

    Raised in violence, the product of rape, Tim Tipene not only survived, he found how to accept and then overcome the hurt ... to achieve the ultimate revenge - a successful life.

    Mrs Battleship

    Mrs Battleship

    Tim Tipene tells tales from his childhood. sometimes humorous, often horrifying, but the real story, and the lesson it brings, comes from the reasons for his actions and the kindnesses he found along the way.

    Warrior Kids - Warrior Training for Children

    Warrior Kids -Warrior Training for Children

    Warrior Kids is a pioneering programme that over 28 years empowered thousands of children across New Zealand, many of them from challenged backgrounds.

  • Tim's Books can be purchased online

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  • White Moko