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    All     Picture Books     Junior Novels     Pipi and Pou     Teen     Non Fiction

    The Ever-Standing Tree

    The Ever-Standing Tree

    'I'm gonna bring this rākau down,' says Dad. 'We'll have a better view ...' Pani and Waima can't understand why Dad wants to cut down the tree in their back yard.     

    The book that wouldn't read

    The Book that Wouldn't Read


    Some people find it hard to read - the boy in this book does. But there are books that make you read them and they open up fantastic worlds ...

    Rona Moon

    Rona Moon

    Award Winner

    Rona Moon gets angry with everyone - her brother, her Nana and Papa. Then one night, she calls the moon stupid!

    Maui - Sun Catcher

    Māui - Sun Catcher

    Award Winner

    Māui is a boy who lives with his mother and four older brothers in a city where the day is never long enough to get things done. Māui decides this has to change.

    Hinemoa te toa

    Hinemoa te toa

    Hinemoa the warrior

    Award Winner 

    Hinemoa was tough.

    'I am a warrior,' she'd say, 'Hinemoa te toa - just like my ancestors.'

    Is there anything Hinemoa is afraid of?

    Rewa finds his Wings

    Rewa finds his Wings 

    Rewa works at a job he doesn't enjoy; he often imagines being a bird and flying away. His worried mother sends him to a tohunga, a wise man.

    Haere Farewell, Jack, farewell

    Haere. Farewell, Jack, farewell 

    Award Winner

    A death is mourned, a birth is celebrated, and a little girl sees that life comes full circle. A poetic and moving tale.

    Taming the Taniwha

    Taming the Taniwha 

    Award Winner

    Tama needs to find out just how to tame the meanest, greenest taniwha he's ever met ...

    The Wooden Fish

    The Wooden Fish 

    Award Winner

    Hanseni wants to help his mother and father but he is too little. Then one day the fishermen of the village return with no fish and the villagers have to go hungry.

    Ngati Kuri Proud

    Ngāti Kurī Proud

    Journal Story

    How did the iwi, (tribe), Ngāti Kurī get their name. This is a pakiwaitara – a traditional Māori story that explains natural phenomena or why something is the way it is.     

    I Dream Morning

    I Dream Morning

    Anthology Story

    I dream. I dream morning, when it is still dark and Te Marama, the moon, a luminous orb, is shining in the sky like pāua.     

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  • Rona Moon